After Hotel Rwanda?

After Hotel Rwanda?

The 2004 movie Hotel Rwanda told the harrowing story of the massacres of 1994. But what happened after that? Fr. Zeracristos Yosief, CM Assistant General of the Congregation of the Mission shares this report of a recent visit to...
Year of Faith: St. Justin de Jacobis

Year of Faith: St. Justin de Jacobis

See the new presentation on St. Justin de Jacobis– this month in the Vincentian Year of Faith series. View the presentation online or download it for your own use. A sample of what’s inside: An Ethiopian to the Ethiopians, an Eritrean to the Eritreans...

CM considered Apostle to Africa

He is considered an apostle to Africa, and the founder of the Abyssinian mission. Blessed Ghebre Michael , CM is among the estimated 12,000 converts he made in his time. He is also considered the founder of a new Catholic generation and formator of its native clergy....