Year of Faith: St. Justin de Jacobis

Famvin Media Resources
April 17, 2013

justin-de-jacobisSee the new presentation on St. Justin de Jacobis— this month in the Vincentian Year of Faith series. View the presentation online or download it for your own use. A sample of what’s inside:

  1. An Ethiopian to the Ethiopians, an Eritrean to the Eritreans
  2. Formator of the Clergy
  3. Fully Inculturated
  4. Friend of Ghebre Michael
  5. Deeply Human, Deeply Holy

If I had to pick a single Daughter of Charity to present to the sisters as a model, I would pick Rosalie Rendu. If I had to pick a single missionary to present to the confreres, I would pick Justin de Jacobis. Few missionaries have been as closely identified with their people as he was. His letters are filled with wisdom, deep pastoral charity, and a profound sensibility toward the people whom he served. – Robert P. Maloney, CM

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