The FAMVIN Digital Network
The Vincentian Family is a movement made up of more than 160 institutions and some 4,000,000 people who follow Jesus Christ, serving the poor, as did St. Vincent de Paul, St. Louise de Marillac and many other believers who, over the last four centuries, have enriched the Vincentian charism.
The FAMVIN Digital Network serves the Vincentian Family with news, media, formation resources and more. Learn more about who we are and what we offer.
Articles from the Famvin News Archive
Putting poverty into perspective
Poverty statistics in a one minute video presentation which puts poverty in the developed world into perspective. This video offers a simplified and visually engaging way to think about global poverty as the distance between the 231 peope who live in "Povertyville"...
International SVDP encourages Councils to have their own Web Sites
PARIS: Under the heading of "Every Council on Internet", the website of the General Council of the St Vincent de Paul Society (Link no longer active) has a message indicating that the Comission for International Communications is encouraging each Council of the...
Vincentian Marian Youth Bulletin – February 2011
The VMY International Bulletin of February features new of Vincentian Youth around the world, Formation and news from the Council and Secretariat as well as updates on World Youth Day. Bulletin Feb2011 PDF. Reflections: Can you taste the enthusiasm after reading the...
St. Louise – Patron of Social Work
The international site of the Daughters of Charity currently features a video on St. Louise as Patroness of Social Workers. It also features a presentation about how her legacy continues today. For more on Louise as a social worker visit VinFormation's Louise as...
SVDP New Zealand – Christchurch relief needs
The international site of the SVDP writes (link no longer available) of the concerns of the New Zealand National Council. "At the moment, it's food and associated items in many parts of the city. Following that, it's money. We have deliberately not launched an...
How can you celebrate the first anniversary of Zafen?
Some people in Chicago will celebrate the one-year anniversary of the launch of Zafèn by enjoying a wonderful tasting of chocolate, wine and cheese, a silent auction and more! Even if you can't trek to Chicago you can celebrate by making an extra donation or running...
A Ladies of Charity perspective on systemic change
Gayle Johnson, President-elect Ladies of Charity USA, reflects on the US-Canada Meeting – Systemic Change, November 2010 Revisiting the “Ten seeds of Systemic Change” in the life of St. Vincent in Belleville was a source of inspiration and motivation to continue to...
A woman named Louise
The Australian CM site has notice of a 3 minute video "A Woman Named Louis" focusing on the motto and legacy of Louise. It is a beautiful challenge to honor her legacy by living it today. It is accompanied by Billy Joel's "She's got a Way". Reflections: Is Louise a...
Promoting sainthood for Frederic Ozanam
The of the Vincent de Paul Society announces that Amin Tarrazi is being charged with promoting the cause for the canonization of Frederic. See other famvin references to Armin Tarrazi
Daughters of Charity Nun Run! With a difference
This is not your ordinary "NunRun" to raise money. It provide an opportunity for single Catholic women ages 18-40 meet each other and explore ministries. On this day-long Nun Run they will visit, eat, pray and learn about the ministries and apostolic life of the...