by Beth | Sep 2, 2005 | Disasters and Responses, News
Every time there is a disaster, scam artists crawl out of the woodwork. [See] The United States Federal Trade Commission has a free article on how to avoid becoming a victim of charity fraud: Federal Trade...
by Beth | Sep 1, 2005 | Disasters and Responses, News
In an amazing demonstration of the power of Wikipedia this open source encyclopedia already has an article on Katrina and its aftermath that is amazing in its depth and synthesis. (It is still constantly evolving.)1 Storm history 1.1 Storm development 1.2 Tornadoes...
by Beth | Sep 1, 2005 | Disasters and Responses, News
Fr. Dan Borlick CM announced that his Province is setting up an emergency relief fund that Perry Henry and George Weber will be distributing from Holy Trinity Pastoral Center in Dallas as needs become more specific. Donations can be sent to: Congregation of the...
by Beth | Sep 1, 2005 | Disasters and Responses, News
Providence Hospital in Mobile, AL survived the storm ok and was open for business; surgeries were cancelled yesterday but the ORs were open today. I believe everything else, with the exception of Radiation Therapy, is operational (it, too, should reopen on Thursday)....
by Beth | Aug 31, 2005 | News
Auburn Alabama, USA Some readers may realize that one member of the “webmaster” team (Beth Nicol) for this site lives in Alabama. Fortunately for us, Katrina passed west of us. We had a day of multiple tornado warnings, some rain and wind as the outer...
by Beth | Aug 31, 2005 | Disasters and Responses, News
Links to Google maps locating Vincentian Family Insitutions.Daughters of Charity CM St. Joseph’s <a href=,.489887&num=2&start=0&hl=enSt. Stephan St. Vincent de Paul...