Katerina - Background and Overview of Long-range Implications

September 1, 2005

In an amazing demonstration of the power of Wikipedia this open source encyclopedia already has an article on Katrina and its aftermath that is amazing in its depth and synthesis. (It is still constantly evolving.)1 Storm history

1.1 Storm development
1.2 Tornadoes
1.3 Historical analysis

2 Preparations and expectations before landfall

2.1 Expectations
2.2 Evacuations
2.3 Transportation and infrastructure
2.4 Military

3 Effects

3.1 Death toll (summary)
3.2 Health concerns
3.3 Price gouging
3.4 Looting and civil disturbance

4 Effects outside the affected region

4.1 Economic effects
4.2 Oil industry
4.3 Ocean shipping
4.4 Casino industry
4.5 Space Shuttle program
4.6 Internet

5 Disaster relief response

5.1 National Guard deployment
5.2 Coast Guard
5.3 Navy
5.4 Government non-military
5.5 American Red Cross
5.6 Amateur Radio Operators
5.7 Foreign Response
5.8 Non-governmental organizations
5.9 Criticism

6 See also

7 External links and sources

7.1 Disaster recovery
7.2 Live webcams
7.3 Live streaming local coverage
7.4 References
7.5 Government
7.6 Photos/Video
7.7 Scientific background, warnings/predictions, and future prevention
7.8 Other

Hurricane Katrina
See also Article on New Orleans


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