Another Perspective on Christian Muslim Dialogue

A former volunteer in Eritrea writes of another level of dialogue and conversin.”I thought that perhaps this one time I could offer something in the ongoing discussion your writers are producing regarding the relation of Catholicism and Islam. I have some...

Towards a Global Common Good

( Here is the text of the keynote address given by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin at Villanova University on Sept. 25, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the encyclical Laborem Exercens. Excerpts… A truly global and inclusive economy A...

Vatican to UN on Disarmament

At one level, the summer of 2006 appears to have been discouraging, with conflicts, destruction and loss of life. The Small Arms Conference failed to produce any tangible result. World stocks of almost 27,000 nuclear weapons remain alarmingly high. World military...