Catholic Worker Perspective on Advent 2003

In his initable fashion Robert Waldrop has written an Advent Letter fro the perspective of a Catholic Worker.Visit his reflections at of you will recall his web site Just Peace which is still a veritable gold mind of...

VIncentian Partnership for Justice – Ireland

What makes the Partnership distinctive is the Vincentian focus on people who experience disadvantage and the emphasis on doing things together and with, rather than for, people. – The Vincentian Partnership for Justice consists of a group of people representing...

Do you Believe….

December 10 is the 45th Anniversary of the UN Declaration of Human Rights. How many of the following 29 human rights do we believe in and enjoy? How are these rights being threatened today?Universal Declaration of Human Rights All human beings 1. Are born free and...

Capitalism With a Conscience

Awareness of Corporate Social Responsibility Gains GroundNEW YORK, NOV. 29, 2003 ( A theme of growing importance in the area of business and ethics is the concept of corporate social responsibility. Both international organizations and public opinion are...

John Paul II Backs Campaign Against Death Penalty

ATICAN CITY, NOV. 30, 2003 ( John Paul II added his voice in support of the renewal of the international campaign against the death penalty. Before bidding farewell to the pilgrims gathered today in St. Peter’s Square to pray the Angelus, the Pope...