Keynote Presentation Elicits Standing Ovation at Vincentian Meeting in USA

John Freund, CM
May 5, 2007

Vincentian Family GatheringMore than 180 people gave a standing ovation to Fr. Manny Ginete, CM as the initial keynote speaker for his insightful multimedia presentation on the theme of expanding the circle of solidarity. Movingly he treated the following five themes:Globalization and the World of the Poor
Vincentian Family: A Circle of Solidarity
Vincentian Charism: Fire at the Center of the Circle
The Vincentian Family in the US: An Agent for Expanded Solidarity Worldwide
Ways of Expanding the Circle of Solidarity

Fr. Ginete, CM is liason of the Superior General to the Vincentian Family.

His excellent powerpoint is available to download now and will be available also as a word document, podcast and movie.

He began his reflection by looking at the context of the “World of the Poor”

If there were only 100 people on planet Earth, 57 would be Asians, 21 would be Europeans,14 would be from the Inter-American continent and 8 would come from Africa.

Fifty-two would be women, and 48 would be men.

Thirty would be white, and 70 would be from other races.

Thirty would be Christian, and 70 would profess other religions.

Eighty would be heterosexual, and 11 would be homosexual.

Six would possess 49 per cent of the world’s wealth, and those six would come from the United States.

Eighteen would dwell in inadequate housing.

Seventy would not be able to read.

Fifty would be undernourished.

One would be about to be born, and another would be about to die.

Only one would have a university-level education, and only one would own a computer.

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  1. sr. yette tanaotanao, dc

    congratulations FR.MANNY so informative. very nice presentation . really am one of those who stand for you. am PROUD OF YOU SIEMPRE! GOD BE WITH YOU ALWAYS AS YOU CONTINUE TO SPREAD WIDE THE CHARISM OF OUR FOUNDERS.


  2. sr. yette tanaotanao, dc

    am one of those who stand for you. really very nice presentation so informative and moving. am proud of you you reach many people with your sharing of our charism and our vincentian family at large. i salute you Fr. Manny!
    God ever bless you!
    again congrats!

    ako pa rin, yette,dc

  3. jbf


    Thanks so much for the feedback. Wow, so quick, and so generous. Will write to you later.

    Fr. Manny

  4. Fr. Ed Jocson

    Fr. Manny,

    Congratulations! I heard of your coming to the US (westcoast) through VAI and had you in my prayers those days.

    I am so glad to hear of the success of the meeting. Reading from this website for the first time, I have a curious question for you which just dawned on me while I was looking through this website:
    You know of the VAI from the Philippines Province. I am wondering if there is a similar group of former seminarians who have passed through the seminaries of the Vincentians here in the United States. And would that not be a potentially fertile group for furthering the ideals of St. Vincent de Paul particularly in the communities of those who may become actively involved in the Vincentian Family? Just a thought. Maybe the VAI can begin some kind of linkage with the group here in the American Vincentian provinces or maybe even start some kind of gathering or collaboration of some sort.

    Ed Jocson

  5. John Freund, CM

    Thanks for this question.

    I think I have seen a site for VAI but can not for the moment find it.

    I do not know of a similar website for the United States.

    There are informal networks however and some connections might be made.

  6. Fr. Ed Jocson

    Thanks Fr. John. This is good to know. I would be interested to know more of these informal networks and maybe find ways of sharing experiences and possible collaborative work with these groups. I would mention this to members of our organization from former seminarians of the Vincentian Philippine Province who now reside in the US and other countries outside the Philippines.

    Fr. Ed

  7. djang paunon

    I am dying to view the powerpoint presentation of Fr Manny and to read his pdf.text. I don’t know why those can’t be downloaded now.
    I hope those are not taken off from the web yet.
    More power to Fr Manny.

  8. jbf

    For a variety of technical reasons, especially size, the powerpoint was never posted. If you send your regular mail address to I will try to find the text and send it to yo on a disk.