Vocation stories of 2 Superiors General

John Freund, CM
November 3, 2014


Gay-SVP-Maloney-560The week of November 2-8 is Vocation Awareness Week in the USA. We are privileged to be able to celebrate this week with video interviews of the current and past Superiors General, Gregory Gay and Robert Maloney sharing their vocation stories.

Two Superiors General of the Congregation of the Mission – Fr. Gregory Gay (2004 to present) and Fr. Robert P. Maloney (1992-2004) share the story of their own vocation in an interview with Fr. Astor Rodriguez, Vocation Director of the Eastern Province. The videos provide an excellent occasion to learn and reflect not only on the priesthood but all forms of the Vincentian vocation. It is not often when you and listen to  two recent successors of St. Vincent de Paul. Gratitude to the New England Province for posting these interviews.

Fr.  G. Gregory Gay, CM

Fr. Robert P. Maloney, CM

These interviews, produced by the Eastern Province of the Congregation of the Mission,  are part of a series found at the Vincentian Vocation channel at Youtube.

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  1. Therese

    Do you know something we don’t? I think Fr Gregory is not a former Superior General yet.

  2. John Freund, CM

    LOL I will correct immediately.