Speed dating for nuns???

John Freund, CM
December 2, 2013

future of charityA “sister-in-training”  asks in her blog of the same name, “Who says religious life is dying?”

“The women that gathered tonight are young Sisters and Sisters-in-training (and young-women-thinking-about-becoming-Sisters-in-training) from all over the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.  There were 17 of us.  This is the second time the group has met, and some people couldn’t make it due to the holiday weekend. We came from 7 different congregations and ranged in age from early 20’s to 50.

We started the evening with a “speed-dating” ice breaker to get to know each other better.  (One of our Sisters joked, “It’s been awhile since I’ve had a date.”  J)  We took turns pairing up and responding to the question, “What attracted or attracts you to religious life?”  The word “community” popped up all over the place.  It seems that many of us were drawn by the chance to throw our lot in with people who have given themselves completely to the mystery that is God.

We couldn’t and wouldn’t want to do this alone.  At the very heart of the call to religious life is a desire to share life with other women whose lives are totally centered in Love and driven by the Gospel.  We are women who want to pray together; who want to serve and minister to those most in need in our society together; who want to become the best, truest version of ourselves together; who want to work for justice and peace together.  Being a part of the deep-rooted and far-reaching network of Sisters all over the city, country, and world is a life-force.  I am energized and strengthened just knowing that there are so many others who have chosen and are choosing this path.  Certainly, no nun is an island!”
… As we “speed-dated,” prayed, ate, and laughed at our religious Fishbowl answers this evening, it struck me that the Motherhouse, our gathering space, dates back to the 1880’s.  How many Sisters have gathered in that very room over the last 130 years?  Our energy seemed to brighten up the wise and quiet halls of the historic building, like we are somehow the new life leaping for joy in the womb of religious life.
Be sure to read the full story  (and follow) Tracy Kemme as she shares her journey as a 27 year old on the way to becoming a Sister of Charity of Cincinnati. Please read, comment and share the blog with anyone you think might enjoy it or benefit from it! God bless.

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