A man drawn to serve the poor

John Freund, CM
September 23, 2013

Vincent drawn to poorIn a time of ignorance and suffering there was a man drawn to serve the poor. And his story became their story… And the story of 4,000 priests and brothers, 25,000 sisters and over 800,000 people who walk in his footsteps. They face the challenges of those who are poor and  with them in all corners of the world. Can their story be your story? Visit vincentian.org

video for the Congregation of the Mission, Vincentian Fathers and Brothers, Western Province of the U.S.A. Our Story tells about the charism of St. Vincent de Paul and how we carry out that mission in our various works.

Thinking about becoming a Vincentian priest, brother or deacon? Join us and help bring the gospel to the poor

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  1. marguerite broderick dc
