Louise - Collaboration, Leadership

John Freund, CM
March 6, 2013

In March VinFormation celebrates the Feast of St. Louise de Marillac with two new presentations, based on the article ‘God Wants First The Heart And Then The Work:’ Louise De Marillac And Leadership In The Vincentian Tradition by Louise Sullivan D.C.

With short vignettes listed below think about topics such as … Vincent and Louise a reluctant friendship, at first; as collaborators, not carbon copies; Louise as bridge between social classes; Feminine tenderness, plus leadership and organization: a winning combination; Trusting others, not micro-managing; Creativity and risk-taking

See the “Table of Contents” of these two presentations.

Collaboration of Vincent and Louise


1. St. Louise deMarillac: the first Vincentian leader to be formed in the way of St. Vincent de Paul
2. Go, Mademoiselle, in the name of Our Lord
3. Vincent gives Louise some advice of his own
4. Louise’s journey of service leadership
5. A reluctant friendship, at first
6. Vincent’s initial reluctance
7. Louise’s initial reluctance
8. Brought together by God
9. Collaborators, not carbon copies
10. Some of what we know of St.Louise
11. Urged by the Charity of the suffering Christ
12. Legacy of St. Vincent
13. Legacy of St.Louise

 How Louise exemplifies Leadership

Louise 129, Strasbourg Sisters, 2_JPG1. Talents and genius ran in the family
2. How Louise’s childhood prepared her for her vocation
3. A solid foundation for dealing with both rich and poor
4. Skilled motivator
5. Louise modeled collaboration
6. Skilled at Spiritual Formation
7. Louise turned her own problems into positive energy
8. Louise turned rejection into positive action
9. Louise undertook a process of personal renewal
10. Feminine tenderness, plus leadership and organization: a winning combination
11. Observing and then taking action
12. Louise’s Understanding of Leadership
13. Louise’s Collaborative Leadership Style
14. Louise as bridge between social classes
15. Mixture of spiritual and human leadership
16. Trusting others, not micro-managing
17. Creativity and risk-taking
18. Louise’s method of conflict resolution
19. Louise’s challenge to us

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