Lessons – Pope Francis on laundry duty

A former Jesuit seminarian and former Managing Director of JP Morgan, Chris Lowney  offers insights into Francis’ leadership in this CNN piece When Pope Francis was put on laundry duty. There is much food for thought… and practice here. (CNN) – Every day,...
Sixteen Vincentian Family Leaders meet

Sixteen Vincentian Family Leaders meet

On the occasion of the Vincentian Family Gathering in Indianapolis sixteen leaders of the branches of the Vincentian Family in North America gathered on October 24-25 in Indianapolis, IN to deepen their relationships and to explore further collaboration, especially in...
Vincent speaking the truth to power

Vincent speaking the truth to power

By preference Vincent de Paul devoted himself to the service of the poor. Nevertheless circumstances frequently introduced him into the world of the aristocracy. In an article on Historical perspective on Vincent as Advocate and councilor to Royalty Fr. Richard J....