So, I'm Not a Saint...: A Post about Being Nervous

John Freund, CM
August 3, 2011

“Breathe in, breathe out. And truthfully, I don’t even know why I’m nervous… I wasn’t going to post that I was nervous. After all, it is a very private thing…or at least for me, it is. And even embarrassing… I have no problem showing my excitement and joy in finding my vocation. But something “bad” like nerves? Nuh-uh.” Read Amanada’s Drink Deeply My Daughter blog for a candid sharing to find out not only what she shares but why..

Some reflections…

  • Have you ever been in this position before taking a major step?
  • How did you handle it? Privately, confide in a friend,…?
  • What advice might we find in the Vincentian tradition?
See some perspectives on Vincentian Discernment provided by the Daughters of Charity of the West.

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