Vincent dePaul Society stands with people living in poverty

John Freund, CM
March 30, 2011

From the SVDP USA – Budget Cuts Imperil Those Living in Poverty  – In the coming weeks, Congress will debate deep spending cuts in the federal government’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 budget. As members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, we have an obligation to speak up — and speak out — regarding the the long-term consequences of Congress’ decision. The vast majority of those cuts are going to come from discretionary, non-defense items.  Unfortunately, those cuts include the majority of social welfare, education and other anti-poverty funds.  A few examples would be:

• $2.3 billion from job training programs

• $2.5 billion from affordable housing

• $1.08 billion from Head Start

• $1 billion from Community Health Centers

• $100 million from Emergency Food and Shelter

Right now, some 45 million Americans are living in poverty, and these and other cuts currently under consideration in the national budget for FY 2011 could hurt not only them but add millions more to the list.  Unfortunately, those living in poverty and the most vulnerable among us are not being heard in this debate.

Action Needed
As members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, we have an obligation to speak up — and speak out — regarding the the long-term consequences of Congress’ decision. That’s why it’s critical for you to contact them and empahsize the dramatic impact their actions could have on the people we serve.

Use the attached text as a guide to help you craft an e-mail message, but also please consider calling or scheduling a visit with your representative’s District office ASAP. The primary message you want to leave with your elected representatives is: Cut the bureaucracy without hurting those who are most vulnerable.

Remember that Frederic Ozanam was a forerunner of the Church’s Catholic Social teaching.

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  1. jbf

    Reflect on this in terms of the following..

    According to The New York Times, last year General Electric (GE) made over $14.2 billion in profit, but paid NO federal tax.1 None.

    In fact, thanks to the millions GE spent lobbying Congress, we American taxpayers actually owed GE $3.2 billion in tax credits.2

    Now GE is slashing health benefits and retirement benefits for new employees among non-union workers and is expected to push unions to accept similar cutbacks3, while its CEO, Jeff Immelt, gets a 100% pay raise.4

    What’s worse? Immelt now sits as chair of the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness (Jobs Council), representing corporate America to the President on matters like job creation and corporate taxation. That’s a slap in the face to every hardworking, tax-paying American—especially GE employees.

  2. Charles B. Henderson

    Amen! I wouldn’t mind if those tax breaks led to jobs — inside or outside of GE. Unfortunately, the stock and the company’s fortunes under Immelt have faded. Having him on any organization committed to competitiveness is a joke. If Immelt has any insights into how to enhance productivity, it hasn’t been evident in his own company.

  3. Name (required)

    focus on what the bible says is the great commission for the church which is to spread the gospel.

    “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son … and of the holy spirit. Mathew 28:19.

    Editors note: The poster has chosen not to provide his/her name.