Elisabeth Charpy's Life of St. Louise - English translation

John Freund, CM
March 28, 2011

CMGLOBAL  presents a translation of Elisabeth Charpy – Life of Saint Louise de Marillac ..  From the article…

“Why is it that history seems to ignore the humble and discreet collaborator of Saint Vincent de Paul?

  • “Is it because this collaborator is a woman?
  • “Is it that she was the niece of Michele de Marillac who was the Keeper of the Seals in Richelieu’s cabinet and who attempted to overthrow the established order which resulted in the “Day of the Dupes?
  • “Is it that she was an illegitimate child?  For a rather extended period of time the Church held such children in contempt, visible signs of their parents’ sin.

“Louise was not canonized until the twentieth century, almost three hundred years after she had died.

  • “Yet without Louise would the Daughters of Charity (frequently referred to as the Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul) have come into existence?
  • “Without Louise would the abandoned children have experienced love or received an education?
  • “Would the galley slaves and the infirm have experienced the compassionate hands that assisted them during their difficult times?
  • “Without Louise would Vincent de Paul have become the popular saint that he is?


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