Vincentians take the pledge ... to “Close the Gap”

February 4, 2011

Paul Marriott, Chair of Vincentians in Partnership, joined church leaders of all denominations gathered in Westminster and made a public pledge that  As Christians in leadership positions within our respective denominations and organisations, we consider it is our duty to speak up on behalf of the poorest and most vulnerable – especially at a time when they are suffering the consequences of the economic crisis and public spending cuts and will support Church Action on Poverty’s new three-year campaign to tackle UK poverty and inequality.

They handed in a letter to David Cameron, expressing their commitment to Close the Gap between rich and poor, and asking about the Coalition Government’s plans to do the same. In the letter, they say:

As Christians in leadership positions within our respective denominations and organisations, we consider it is our duty to speak up on behalf of the poorest and most vulnerable – especially at a time when they are suffering the consequences of the economic crisis and public spending cuts…
We understand the many pressures you are under, and that the Coalition is committed to reducing the public deficit over the current parliament.  But tackling inequality is not something that can be put off for the ‘good times.’
We would therefore like to invite you – and your fellow ministers in the Coalition Government – to make a public Pledge to take action to close the gap between rich and poor in the UK.


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1 Comment

  1. jbf

    Christian Today reports launch of Close the Gap campaign: