‘We are Egyptians, not Muslims.’

February 3, 2011

As massive demonstrations moved into their second week in Cairo  the Vatican’s top ambassador Archbishop Fitzgerald said the demonstrations have been remarkably free from religious overtones and that there are many signs of Christians and Muslims working together. “There isn’t a religious distinction,” he said. “They are not dividing themselves into Christians and Muslims, they’re just the Egyptian citizens.”  Archbishop Fitzgerald said that in the first days of unrest, Muslims and Christians spontaneously formed neighborhood committees to provide security when police forces abruptly fled the area. “At a certain point, one person tried to shout one of their slogans, ‘Islam is the solution,’ and was immediately chased from the area. Others … contested them … with these words: ‘We are Egyptians, not Muslims.’ See full story.

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  1. jbf

    Christians protecting Muslims at prayer.
    “Yesterday, NevineZaki posted this picture on Twitter, saying it shows Christians protecting those praying in Tahrir Square amid violence between protesters and Mubarak supporters. She wrote “Bear in mind that this pic was taken a month after z Alexandria bombing where many Christians died in vain. Yet we all stood by each other” (From Al Jezeera Blog Feb. 4)

    And this from Alexandria…”Our correspondent in Alexandria says tens of thousands of people have gathered in the centre of Alexandria. He says Christians and others not performing Friday prayers have formed a “human chain” around those praying to protect them from any potential disruptions.”

  2. jbf

    Join in prayer for the people of Egypt.

  3. Peg Baumgartner

    Hope and pray that this remarkable peaceful revolution will result in fair elections for the people of Egypt and the protection of Christians, their churches, and good works.

  4. John Freund

    I am wondering if there is some way we as a family can come together in prayer on this.