New sources for understanding Frederic Ozanam

John Freund, CM
October 14, 2010

Two major new sources are now available in English.  An insightful biography  long  available on the Spanish site has been translated into English.  The latest issue of the Vincentian Heritage Journal has four fine articles devoted to Ozanam. Click Read More

Note that the graphic captures something of the many unknown dimensions of the man most people identify with “Thrift Shops”

The following resources will fill out this picture.

See a sample of the biography just translated biography

Table of Contents of the  current issue of the Vincentian Heritage Journal.

  • Frederic Ozanam’s Tactical Wisdom for Today’s Consumer Generation – Tom McKenna, CM
  • Frederic Ozanam, Catholic Student (1831-36) Jean-Claude Caron
  • What would Ozanam Do? – David Gregory
  • Frederic Ozanam – Benificent Deserter: Mediating the Chasm of Inequality through Liberty, Equality and Fraternity
  • Faith,Charity, Justice and Civic Learning: Lessons and Legacy of Frederic Ozanam – Raymond Sickinger

For subscription information visit the Vincentian Heritage Journal based at dePaul University.

See also their Vincentian Heritage Collections and their extremely rich Vincentian Images Archives.

To join a discussion of these resources visit VirtualVins and join the Ozanam discussion group.

See a list of Ozanam related articles in the Vincentian Encyclopedia.

Google collection of images of Ozanam

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  1. Nicole Schryburt

    How can we order the new biography of Frederic Ozanam by Sr. M Theresa Candelas ?

    Nicole Schryburt, administrative assistant
    SSVP National Council of Canada

  2. Bro. Isauro L. Bacierra

    I would appreciate it very much if these articles on Frederic Ozanam could be available as this will help us in the formation of our SSVP members the in depth knowledge of our Founder.

    Bro. Isauro L. Bacierra
    SSVP Santa Isabel College Particular Council
    Manila, Philippines

  3. jbf

    These articles are available by following the links in the story above.
    If you have difficulty please let me know specifically which article you are looking for and I will personally send you the articles and or the links to them.