Vincent's doubts - YouTube video 4 languages

John Freund, CM
September 17, 2010

The Australian Vincentians site currently has embedded a YouTube video about Vincent’s Doubts. The presentation was originally created in French with a very catchy French soundtrack. This YouTube video tells in a lively song something of Vincent’s early life struggles.  The song is in French, but there is an English translation of the lyrics provided on the screen.It has been translated with English subtitles. The titles are a bit difficult to read at times but well worth the effort itowards understanding Vincent’s conversion. It is also available in Spanish and Italian versions.

For other videos of interest to the followers of Vincent and Louise visit the FAMVINGLOBAL You Tube channel. See also the entry in the Vincentian Encyclopedia “Vincentian and YouTube”. (Someone is currently working or reorganizing and updating this collection but it is still worth a visit now.)

Of particular interest is the link to “The Sending”   a video with scenes from the 1947 award-winning movie Monsieur Vincent interspersed with scenes from the contemporary struggles of the poor in the Philippines.

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1 Comment

  1. Sr. Mary Fran Barnes

    I don’t think the Australians still have the link to this video. However, it is on the Daughters of Charity International Site in French, with English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese translations available.