"Aeroplane Sister" (DC) makes a difference

John Freund, CM
September 8, 2010

Having moved to Melbourne from the Shaky Isles, one woman is helping to make a difference for the city’s underprivileged. ROSEANNE Murphy is a Kiwi postie who became an ”aeroplane sister”. Working in the 1980s as a public servant with the New Zealand postal service, she decided to chuck it in… Click Read More
The article in The Age (Australia) continues. she “to Melbourne and join the Daughters of Charity, the 17th-century Saint Vincent de Paul order that once wore those giant hats that extended over the ears like wings. To her sartorial regret, Sister Roseanne missed that ”aviation” era by quite a margin, but she does have titanium spectacles and that is her private joke.”

Some time back, one of the blokes who turn up at St Mary’s House of Welcome in Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, proclaimed that he was ”Titanium Man” and turned aggro, confronting Sister Roseanne in boxing stance. ”I saw his arm go back,” she says, ”and I remember thinking: I’m about to be smashed. I kept eye contact and said: ‘Don’t!’ He swung, but his fist stopped just in front of my face.”

But wait there is more Visit The Age.

See more on the Cornette in Wikipedia.

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  1. jbf

    The Australian CM site has posted a link to YouTube video

  2. Sr. Bibiana, DC

    What a wonderful life to lead!!!
    God continues to live and work in His people. Amazingly, He also protects those who love Him in seemingly dangerous situations.