Celebrating Frederic Ozanam - A man ahead of his times

John Freund, CM
September 7, 2010

“I would like to circle the globe with a band of charity.”

We know Frederic but he is yet a man to be discovered.

In the age of the internet his words have a prophetic ring perhaps even he could not have imagined. Please click “Read More” to discover  his vision.

The Society he was instrumental in founding carries on his vision in virtually every country in the world through the life and work of literally hundreds of thousands “Vincentians”.

As we celebrate his feast we find numerous resources on famvin.org and other places that will help us discover the greatness and the vision of this man.

Frédéric Ozanam – A Layman for Now – Shaun McCarty, S.T.

See especially

8 Addendum 1 – Examen on the Spirit of Vincent
9 Addendum 2 – Examen for a Vincentian

Ozanam – Building the good Society Prof. David Gregory

The Social Justice Vision of Ozanam

Leo XIII was influenced by the writings of  Blessed Frédéric Ozanam) and it was a member of the Society who is said to played a major role in the writing of  the encyclical “Rerun Novarum“.

“Exploitation occurs when the master considers his worker not as a partner nor even as an assistant, but as an instrument out of which he must extract as much service as possible at the smallest possible price. Yet the exploitation of a man by another man is slavery. The worker-machine is nothing more than part of capital like the slaves of the ancients. Service becomes servitude.”
–Blessed Frédéric Ozanam
Founder, Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Catholic Social Teaching and Vincentian Spirituality (Click on the link on the top of this page to view/download  the excellent talk  to the Vincentent dePaul Society in Ontario  April 10 2010)

Search famvin its wealth of resources.

Liturgical texts for his feast

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