Kenyan Vincentian Youth seek contact with Vincentian Family

John Freund, CM
July 26, 2010

“Our group is known as Zawadi Young Vincentians of Kenya. Zawadi is swahili for gift. We were founded by Fr Ronald Ramson, CM some three years ago. As young Vincentians, we follow the spirit and teachings of St Vincent de Paul” writes Angela Osborne forĀ  Zawadi Young Vincentians of Kenya.

We meet fortnightly for prayers and pastoral care. In terms of the latter, we choose a care centre or home to visit for prayers and where possible for alms giving.
We have a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer positions. Our current membership is 300 students and we are actively recruiting.
We are in constant liaison with Fr Ram who currently is in the USA for spiritual mentorship and direction.
We wish if you can include us in since we really want to liaise with other World Vincentians organisations for moral, spiritual and honestly for some financial support to advance the spirit and mission of our founder St Vincent.
(Visit for a place to form a group to network youth. There is also a group focused specifically on Vincentian involvement in World Youth Day.)

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  1. Aidan Rooney

    Sounds like a natural connection with the JMV (Vincentian Marian Youth) — may I suggest you reach out to Yasmine Cajuste and the International Secretariat at ?

    Also, the Vincentian Lay Missionaries-USA are in Kenya this summer — you can contact them through the Daughters of Charity at their provincial house in Langata…

  2. Neil Pitts

    When I’m in Nairobi again (January 2011), I’ll attempt to meet with Zawadi Young Vincentians. I stay at St. Mary’s Hospital Guest House in Langata, operated by Sisters of the Assumption.

  3. Catherine Mulligan DC

    The Vincentain Family are here in Kenya. The Daughters of Charity and the Vincentian Fathers and Brothers are situated on Langata Road where they have their houses of Formation and Mission Headquarters. They also work together in Thigio Parish in the Nairobi Archdiocese. The priests have another parish in the A’Diocese @ Kamulu. The sisters are in two other Dioceses also, Kitale and Kitui. The Marian Vincentian Youth is already established, although in its infancy, in Kitale Diocese, where they are being formed and work with the DCs. We would be happy to make contact with you at ZAWADI. You can use my email.

    Sr. Catherine
    catherinemulligan43 AT