Pentecost and the gift of internationality

John Freund, CM
May 17, 2010

A Pentecost novena of interest to many branches of the Vincentian Family and especially the Charities Federation who have become actively involved in the appalling problem of trafficking. “The gift of our internationality sharpens our consciousness of universal needs and calls us to foster within ourselves and others a responsible concern for the people of the world.”

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Responding to the call of their General Directory the SSND have prepared a Pentecost Novena to highlight the plight of 700,000 to 2 million women and children are trafficked across borders each year. International trafficking is a significant problem in the area of human rights and a grue­some crime, affecting men, women and children. Women are the predominant targets of traffickers and suffer harm of a different nature and degree than male victims, It is also necessary to treat trafficking in adult women and children separately. Children receive different kinds of rights and protections than adults, both internationally and domestically. Not to mention that rape has become a weapon of war used women, their families and whole communities.

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1 Comment

  1. jbf

    In an oversight I forgot to mention the Lifeways site which is a project of the Sisters of Charity of Halifax.