Chile - DC International report

John Freund, CM
March 9, 2010

The international site of the Daughters of Charity posts a summary of a letter of Fr Fernando Macías, C.M.) Some excerpts… As for the situation of our Vincentian Family, we have information basically of the Daughters of Charity and the Vincentians (CM’s). In general, they are well. For several hours we could not communicate with the Sisters of Los Ángeles, Talcahuano and Tomé in the region of Bio-Bío or with the Fathers of Collipulli, in the region of the Araucanía.
The only situations of danger were in Talcahuano, where 2 sisters and 40 children from the Miraculous Medal Home were evacuated because of the tsunami danger and in Tomé where the waves reached the Margarita Naseau School but apparently without causing serious damage.

The families of Sisters and Priests, in general, are well, although there are some Sisters who have not had news of their families. A sister of a Daughter of Charity was rescued unhurt amid the ruins of her completely destroyed house.

See the above link for the full story.

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1 Comment

  1. jbf

    After posting this link to the DC site I was alerted to the fact that this appeared some days ago on famvin and cmglobal.