Vincentian Marian Youth (JMV) December Bulletin

John Freund, CM
December 30, 2009

The English version of the December Bulletin of the Vincentian Marian Youth (JMV) is now available in text only form below and one can also view the original. In addition to reports of activities from around the world there is also a reflection on leadership from a Vincentian perspective.

Vincentian Marian Youth — International Bulletin

December 2009 —Year 9, No. 74

A History of Salvation

In a world that experiences violence, death … God intervenes, speaks, calls, asks, promises.  God promises to give himself and so his promise is himself.  In light of our misery God takes the initiative and fulfills his promise by the giving of himself. The Father hands over his Son to the world.  The Word of God is abandoned in the womb of the Virgin Mary and thus the history of salvation takes a definitive step forward.  The protagonists of this event are Joseph, Mary, and the angel Gabriel who was sent by God.  The time was during the sixth month and the place, a town of Galilee called Nazareth.  God becomes incarnated in everything that constitutes the life of the human person:  time, space, history.

The Magi listened to the call, received an invitation:  a star invited them to embrace the News that they hoped for:  “The King of Kings is born!’ They left everything in order to adore the long awaited King.  They left behind their native land in order to go in search of their happiness, Jesus Christ.

The shepherds also experienced the call … they were inspired by the angels who proclaimed:  “The Savior is born.”  They listened to the word and left everything in order to go and see this wonder.  They left in order to find that which they sought.

The shepherds and the Magi were filled with joy and returned to announce what they had seen.  They praised God.  Many others, like Saint Vincent de Paul, Saint Louise de Marillac,
and Saint Catherine Laboure were able to discover that the promises of God had been fulfilled.  They became messengers.

At the beginning of the year 2010, a year filled with many promises and events, are we, members of the Vincentian Marian Youth, able to discern the light of God who invites us to embrace the Good News?  As shepherds are as willing to leave everything in order to search for our authentic happiness?

Denise El Khoury, International Counselor.



Angola: On November 16th 14 young people participated in a ceremony that involves the imposition of a kerchief on the candidate in Saint Vincent’s Center (Luanda).  On November 29th 10 young people participated in the same ceremony that occurred in Catumbela, Lobito.

Ivory Coast: Among the latest activities of the group we mention the following: summer camp for a group from the Parish of San Marcos (July 31-August 9) and meeting of the council (November 8).

Eritrea: From September 23-25 the Vincentian Family in Eritrea organized three days of prayer and formation.  They celebrated together the Mass as one family that has the same vocation to proclaim the Good News to the poor.  This was a wonderful event in which all felt united with the Vincentian Family throughout the world.

Kenya: On September 25 and 26 the JMV in Kenya celebrated the feast of Saint Vincent together with the rest of the Vincentian Family and their friends, the poor.  They helped prepare and serve food to many people.  Many of those present expressed their joy in being able to share in this time of communion and being able to share a meal.

On October 24th the group San Kisito (Diocese of Kitale) celebrated for the first time the Marian Consecration of three members.  This was a very notable event in the life of the members, their parents and the local church.

Mozambique: In October, Deves (President) carried out various activities in order to strengthen the Association in that country:  prayer, fasting, visiting other groups and extending an invitation to new places (schools and parishes).

Republic of Central Africa: The JMV in Central Africa celebrated their National Assembly in Ouango (a house of the Congregation of the Mission) on December 12-13.

Democratic Republic of the Congo: On October 25th the Kinshasa groups had a formation session on Saint Louis.  This session was directed by Sister Marcelle Denda, the new national adviser.  On October 31-November 1 the JMV Saint Adrien participated in the inauguration of a new group in the Diocese of Kisantu, in a parish administered by the Religious of Saint Vincent..


Indonesia: The JMV in Indonesia has a new national adviser: Sister Rita Sri Retno Windrati. Welcome Sister Rita to this service and thank you Sister Engelina for your years of dedication to the JMV.  Sister Rita and some members of the JMV helped some families who had lost their houses in a fire.

Vietnam: From June 30-July 4 the annual formation program for the advisers of the JMV was held.

Lebanon: During the last semester the following activities were realized:  meeting of the executive council, a gathering on the feast of the Miraculous Medal (November 28), a meeting of the animators.  At the end of December an Extraordinary Assembly will be held.

Syria: The pastoral year began in October and a new council was elected (presided by Joumana Zaarour) … motto “Our light shines through the whole world.”


Belarus: On October 18th all the children of Mary met in Belarus.  One could feel the unity and strength that was truly a gift from God and the Blessed Virgin.

Slovakia: From July 10-13 the National Assembly (ZLET) took place.  Three hundred members participated including representatives from other European countries.  Among the more recent activities of the Association the following are highlighted:  summer camp for 831 young people, national assembly in Nitra (September 20-21), inauguration of the Jubilee Year with the campaign “Fight against hunger” in Haiti (September 26th), Vincentian Olympic games, national contest on Saint Vincent de Paul (different age groups).

Poland: Forty members participated in a series of formation sessions in Piwniczna.  The participants reflected upon the annual motto of the JMV in Poland, the life of Saint Vincent and Saint Louise.  In September the different branches of the Vincentian Family met in Bydgoszcz on the occasion of the opening of the Jubilee Year.  On November 22nd the group met with Sister Evelyne Franc who was in Croacovia for the 150 anniversary of the foundation of the Polish Province.  On December 4-6 forty-seven members met in the Provincial House of the Daughters of Charity for a retreat that was directed by Father Jacek Kuziel, national adviser.  The group reflected on the life and teaching of Saint Vincent.

Czech Republic: From October 10-13 Sister Margita visited some groups of the JMV in the Czech Republic and shared information on some of the activities that had been carried out during this visit of encouragement.

Ukraine: On December 27th all the branches of the Vincentian Family gathered together in Kiev to establish a program during this Jubilee Year.


Some Reflections on Leadership

Throughout the world, Saint Vincent de Paulo is a source of inspiration for individuals, communities, organization, churches and schools.  As Vincentians, we see in Vincent a person who struggled to end poverty and oppression.  The works that he accomplished encourage us to work for a better world and to share a spirit of community, charity and acceptance of the persons we meet.

Mindful of our inheritance from Saint Vincent we are called to discover him as a leader, an organizer, a manager.  In 2002 the Hay Project began its investigation of Saint Vincent de Paul and Vincentian leadership in order to identify certain traditions of leadership that are inspired by Vincent and found within the Vincentian groups.  In light of these investigations the Hay Project outlined a model of leadership that guides the development of Vincentian leadership.  Our model of leadership offers tools to identify the challenges in leadership as well as personal, professional, and organizational objectives.  To discover our model, consult the following page:

Being a member of the JMV constitutes a challenge for youth because it means knowing how to invigorate one’s faith by deepening our relationship with Jesus Christ and with one another.  It is very important that we are able to identify the practices of Vincentian leadership as we attempt to carry on and accomplish the Vincentian mission within the JMV.  The de Paul Project offers assistance, action plans, retreats, and resources on leadership and coaching leaders.

We encourage you to identify your practice of leadership by means of an evaluation which can be found on  Visit our web page where you will find more information about our project and resources to continue your growth in leadership as a member of the Vincentian Marian Youth.  Contact us at the following email address if we can help you:

Vincent on leadership:  The Hay Project

Living the General Assembly


The Third General Assembly that will take place in Lisbon, Portugal (August 1-6, 2010) is drawing near.  This is an opportunity for young laypeople of the JMV to come together and share and strengthen one another in the area of prayer, formation and action.  This is a time to give new answers to the present poverty that is found in the world.  We have the mission of making real the Vincentian charism and we are also challenged to allow out lifestyle to influence other young people, especially those who are most poor.  This is a time to evaluate and renew the directions that the Association has taken … doing this with a new International Council that will be elected for the next five years.

Therefore your presence is important and we hope that each country will be present with your lay delegates or at least one lay member.  We are aware of the fact that one of the limiting factors is finances.  Therefore we encourage you to plan activities that will enable you to finance these expenses.  At the same time we encourage you to plan some activity that will provide extra funds for your national group.

We hope that the countries with greater financial resources will be aware of the importance of this event (our assembly) and express your solidarity in a concrete manner so that all the member nations will be able to exercise their rights in the Assembly.

The International Secretariat is at your disposition to clarify any doubts with regard to the participation and preparation for the Assembly.

During this time of grace may our Lady of the Miraculous Medal intercede and help us to live this season of Advent as a time of renewal, that is, renewing our Christian commitment and drawing closer to God who comes with the face of a child.

Corys Castillo, Counselor for Latin America

International Council and Secretariat

On November 1st the International Secretariat welcomed the new international delegate, Sister Bernardita García, DC.  You can communicate with here at:

November 13-15 Cléber and Katarina (volunteers) were in Salamanca (Spain) participating in preparatory formation for the JMJ — the theme: youth leadership.

November 15-20 Yasmine represented the JMV in the III International Meeting of the Miraculous Medal Association.  She gave a talk on the influence of the Association on the JMV.

Nominations: The Director-General confirmed the following nominations:  Father Fernando Vallejo Molina (Mexico, adviser, 5/26/09), Minelly Acevedo (Puerto Rico, President, 9/14/09), Giuseppe Maienza (Italy, President, 10/16/09), Giuliana Velita (Peru, President, 10/13/’09) Dimelas Pamela Antezana Pacheco (Bolivia, President, 10/16/09), Sister Marcelle Denda Mputu (Democratic Republic of the Congo, 10/20/09).

Approval of Statutes:  On September 27, 2009 the Director General approve the amendments of the Statutes of the JMV in Madagascar.

General Assembly:  We remind all the countries that the International Secretariat wants to receive in December your proposals for a logo and hymn.  On February 14, 2010 we await your registration forms and your responses concerning the collaboration that the Preparatory Commission has requested.

See also a dynamic new Flash edition of the Spanish language MISEVI site.

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