Win-win for homeless teens

John Freund, CM
December 29, 2009

Areopostal is offering what amount to a win-win benfiting homeless teens. Last year they collected over 200,000 pairs and donors got a 25% discount on purchase of a new pair.

“Welcome to the third annual Teens for Jeans drive, the campaign that empowers YOU to collect jeans for homeless teens. Just drop off any pair of your gently worn jeans to any Aéropostale store between January 19th and February 14th and we’ll make sure they get donated to a local homeless shelter or charity. To say thanks, Aéropostale will give you an additional 25% off your next pair of jeans.”

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  1. P. Baum

    Good idea! Those with contacts with young adults, teens, and college students should forward this to them, schools, colleges and publicize it. Good deal for both groups.

  2. Georgia Hedrick

    I know this is a great idea. Yet the fact that we must be ‘bribed’ to give is a sad commentary on society.

    I was thinking this morning of the ‘rich young man’ of the gospels who had done everything well, and asked Jesus, “What more can I do?” When Jesus said, ‘Leave all, and come, follow me’, he walked away sadly because he had many possessions. To me that is so like today’s large corporations, those that give, they give, but for a %age back.

    And this is not even considering the greedy-grabbies who earn more and more and more, and never give back. I read yesterday about some Insurance Co. CEO whose salary broke down to about $800,000 per day. What does one person do with so much money? Why even have it?

    I bet such a person drive in darkened windowed with a chauffeur, on a specialized route, so that he never sees veterans begging on street corners, or the homeless, huddling. gh