Vincentian quotations

John Freund, CM
December 6, 2009

Vincentian-quotesLooking for a topical quote from someone in the Vincentian tradtion? The VinFormation section of famvin has posted quotes drawn from the Vincentian tradition and filed according to more than 150 categories. Currently they are mostly from Vincent and Louise. We welcome your suggestions for additions.

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  1. Maggie Reynolds DC

    Wonderful resource – however, references are lacking. Having references for quotes would be much more helpful.

  2. jbf

    Agreed… we are in the process of trying to track them down. Any help; would be appreciated.
    I don’t remember where I got the entire list from.

  3. jbf

    This presentation, at this point, is just to demonstrate what can be done and also serve as an invitation for others to collaborate in the project.

  4. Mary Fran Barnes

    I agree with Maggie! Oh, if only the persons who provided these quotations gave the references! It has been shown too many times that things attributed to Vincent or Louise were not really from them. If I come across any references to back up what is here I will supply them. But I would also respectfully recommend that no further quotes be posted without the proper reference. Thanks!

  5. Monica

    Thank you for your recommendations. The page has now been updated to remove any quotes that didn’t have references. If anyone would like to try helping us identify missing references for the remaining quotes, just send us an email via the Contact Us link, and I can forward you a list of the un-referenced quotations.