"yfaith" offers a safe site for "Tweenagers"

John Freund, CM
August 25, 2009

y-faith-logoA project sponsored by the bishops’ conference of England and Wales has launched a program to generate biblical interest in “tweenagers.” This site, which caters to youth aged 11-13 and offers a safe place to connect.
It features games such as a quiz sendsĀ  that young people on a quest to discover answers to biblical questions such as: “How many times is cheese mentioned in the Bible? Who was shipwrecked and imprisoned repeatedly? How many loaves and fish fed three thousand people?”
The quiz, along with other resources on the Web site, is also offered to support catechists, youth workers, parents, grandparents and chaplains who work with this age group.

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  1. jbf

    It would be wonderful to have a site presenting the Vincentian way to this age group. Anyone know of one?

  2. Susan Stabile

    As a parent and as someone who has taught religious education to this age group, I think this is a wonderful resource. I just sent the link to the site to those in charge of faith formation in my parish. It would be quite a simple task to insert a weekly game/quiz into a parish weekly bulletin (with some prizes to encourage participation) or to adapt some of the material for religious education classes.

  3. georgia hedrick

    Ah yes! Vincentiana shall live and move and have its being at last!
    Now, how to teach the tweenie? What works best? Games? drawings? A ‘where’s Waldo?’ approach to ‘where’s justice and charity in all this happening-stuff of today–but how to do it?

    Maybe a four-panel cartoon with blank speech bubbles? Maybe something ‘what makes a Saint…’ I am finding that kids today have no clue as to what such a critter as a ‘Saint’ is. See what happens when they did away with holy cards!

    Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…let me think…gh