"The Company of Charity continues to grow and change"

John Freund, CM
August 2, 2009

sl_shrine“And that, Sisters, was the beginning of your (American roots). As it was not then what is is now, there is reason to believe that it is still not what it will be when God has perfected it as He wants it.” All recited these words at the blessing of theĀ  Seton Legacy Garden. Earlier in the morning Fr. Gregory Gay, CM, Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission and the Daughters of Charity celebrated the 8 AM Eucharist.Ā  A very colorful celebration at noon celebrated byĀ  Bishop Denis Madden, with retired Cardinal Keeler in attendance, concluded the week

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  1. P. Baumgartner

    Beautiful joyous celebrations of Elizabeth Ann Seton’s arrival in Emmitsburg in 1809- 200 years! Amazing to see and hear of all the good works and the number of congregation that came from this tiny group and now is the large group of the Federation of Sisters of Charity. Thanks for the writeups Father.
    Peggy B.