Israeli Foreign Ministry mounts website for Pope's visit

John Freund, CM
May 9, 2009

pope-israel“Pope Benedict XVI will be welcomed to the Holy Land as a true friend of the State of Israel and the Jewish people. His 11-15 May 2009 visit will mark an important stage in the development of the relationship between the Vatican and Israel.”


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  1. jbf

    The well know blog Whispers in the Loggia is providing texts of the various presentations by the Pope.

  2. jbf

    The NCR has posted a story Benedict XVI sets new papal record for mosque visits.

  3. Toma'

    The Pope has arrived to Israel today. Besides the mentioned above Israel’s MFA website regarding the pilgrimage worth to mention is other website provided by Israel’s Ministry of Tourism covering the Pilgrimage and offering other interesting information such as travel agency guide. Website Holy Land Pilgrimage – A Bridge to Peace is available in seven languages.