Online registration for Vincentian Family Gathering in Detroit

John Freund, CM
February 24, 2009

vfg_01Registration for the Vincentian Family Gathering, April 16-19, 2009, is accessible:   Registration online will require a credit card payment.  If you prefer to mail in your registration (including check), see attached registration form.  Registration fee(s) covers conference and meals; housing is separate.

A separate registration form must be completed for each participant.  There are a lot of variables on the registration form and selection choices/general information may not apply to everyone.  One payment for a group is acceptable; however, please provide a list of participants so that we are able to match payment with participants.

The Vincentian Family Gathering will begin with supper on Thursday, April 16, and end with lunch on Sunday, April 19.

Seeds of Hope, by Robert Maloney, CM, will be available and the emphasis will be on how we, as a Vincentian Family, can work together for systemic change.

We hope to have a combination of congregation leadership, members who are in direct service with the poor, social justice coordinators, co-workers, young volunteers, and people who have in the past or are currently living in poverty. If you ask anyone from your congregation who attended one or more of the last five meetings, I am sure that they will tell you how inspiring and fruitful the meetings were. It is always great to know we belong to a family much bigger than we thought.

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  1. Stephanie Ragland

    I could not tell from the registration form if there were individual workshops. How is the conference organized.

    I just learned about this gathering. Thanks in advance for helping me.