Chronicle of Vincentian Family Meeting in Mexico - Day Three

John Freund, CM
February 21, 2009

famvinmex5-300x279Toma in Poland continues to offer the translations of the Chronicles of th Vincentian Family meeting in Mexico on systemic changeĀ  from the Spanish famvin site. Links for days one and two.

As in other days, celebration of Eucharist presided by Fr Emiliano Hernandez, CM, Counselor of Vincentian Family in Venezuela started the day. Liturgy was prepared and enriched by delegations from Venezuela, Paraguay and Chile. At the end of the mass new members of CLAPVI present were welcomed: Fr. Daniel Vasquez CM, President, Fr. Jair Velez CM, Executive Secretary and Fr. Silviano CalderƃĀ³n CM.

Afterwards, workshop resumed in Sala Magna. Today it was focused on Systemic Change. Members of Commision for promoting Systemic Change were moderatoresĀ  – Fr. Pedro Opeka CM, Fr. Norberto Cancellar CM, Fr. Joseph Foley CM, Mr. Eugene Smith, SSVP, Mrs. Patricia Nava, AIC and Fr. Robert Maloney CM, Coordinator of the Commission for promoting Systemic Change.

Today’s goal of the workshop was: “Trainers, multipliers of systemic change”.

Various tools and resources such as books, prints, portable data storages were used. Method of the workshop was based on the reading of stories helping illustrate the Systemic Change and identify strategies promoting Systemic Change.

Patricia Nava explained origins of the Commission (background of how the idea of promoting Systemic Change arose among members of the Vincentian Family), creation of the Commission in 2006, described members of the Commission, its participation in the annual Vincentian Family reunion in 2007, responsibility which was entrusted to the Commission, its objectives, proposed methodologies, work tools, etc.. She shared hopes of the Commission, explained the content of the toolkit of future continental Vincentian Family meetings on Systemic Change. This plenary presentation met participants’ expectations.

Next, Eugene Smith gave a presentation on experience of Systemic Change titled “The Perfect Storm”. Patricia Nava followed him, developing works in groups and concluded in plenary.

Fr Robert Maloney CM referred to the topic: “Ten Basic Principles on the Social Doctrine of the Church.” In conclusion he invited participants to spread and promote the Social Doctrine of the Church in their countries.

Panel works technically concluded morning session bringing summary of the debate.

In the afternoon, Fr. Pedro Opeka CM presented story about “Akamasoa” (meaning “Good friends”). In a passionate way he shared his experience in Madagascar. At the end he showed one of 21 beautifully narrated films about Akamasoa.

Then Fr. Maloney continued explaining what are the elements of Systemic Change (basic concept, basic elements of Systemic Change circle and criteria for a Systemic Change project) and presenting a comics “St. Vincent, forerunner of Systemic Change”. Talk about most important strategies of Systemic Change for the participants of the meeting fulfilled his presentation.

Question and Answer panel debate with moderators and speakers finished this session. Liturgy of Hours Afternoon Prayer followed. After dinner, participants gathered in Sala Magna again to continue discussion. At the end of long debate Brazil was proposed to host next Latin American Summit of Vincentian Family which will be held on April 23 – 29, 2012.

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