Day Two Chronicle from Mexico

John Freund, CM
February 19, 2009

famvinmex5-300x279Representatives from 18 countries – a  continuation of the Chronicle from the Famvin meeting in Mexico on systemic change. Read more for a photograph of participants.
fvmex09Tuesday, February 17 – Day Two.

Tuesday was initiated by the Eucharist presided by Fr. Mizael Donizetti Poggioli CM, Counselor of Vincentian Family in Brazil and the liturgy prepared by delegations from Peru, Brazil and Central America.

The second day was dedicated to TRAINING OF LAY COUNSELORS. Maria Eugenia Magallanes, from AIC was the moderator.

At the beginning of today work chronicle of previous day was read. Afterwards delegates from Costa Rica, El Salvador and Guatemala gave  brief reports of the Vincentian Family in their countries.

Fr. Aarón Gutiérrez CM presented his two part document titled: “Counselor and Ethical Awareness”. This topic was explained in joyful and dynamic way.

In the afternoon, an official photograph of all participants was shot. Next representatives of Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, USA and Venezuela shared their reports about Vincentian Family situation there.

Later, Alicia Dunhe of AIC presented the lecture: “Teamwork, foundation of good leadership”. Tuesday workshop was finalized by the intervention of Sr Blanca and Fr Irving titled: “Work Techniques Used in Systemic Change”.

After dinner, participants prayed Vespers in the chapel. Then, a performance of Mexican folkloric dances concluded day two of the meeting.

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