Jan. 25 - Foundation of the Congregation of the Mission

John Freund, CM
January 20, 2009

cm-sealJan. 25, 1617 marks the foundation of the Congregation of the Mission when Vincent preached the famous sermon at Folleville. It was not formally set up unti  Janury 25, 1625. For more information visit the list of articles related to the Congregation of the Mission.

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  1. jbf

    The link to Folleville has been fixed.

  2. Toma'

    January 25 is the Feast of Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle. This year (2009) it’s on Sunday.
    It is worth to remind that because it is on Sunday, the feast is omitted in the liturgical calendar. In the Liturgy of Hours all texts for 3rd Sunday in Ordinary time will be used (including I Vespers).
    However because of Jubilee Year of St. Paul it is allowed to celebrate the Mass of conversion of St. Paul with Sunday readings.

  3. enriqueta romero garcia

    gracias por la información.muy bien

  4. Assenceadvise

    Your web page does not correctly work in safari browser

  5. jbf

    Thank you for pointing this out.

    It would help to know which version of Safari you are using and what type of computer.

    It works well on line using a Mac with version 3.1.2. However there can be some problem when printing material.

    We try to check out various browsers but can not support some of the older versions of Internet Explorer and others.

  6. Toma'

    If I were you, I would have checked settings of the browser. I have checked famvin.org/en and famvin.org/pl on Safari. I use version 3.1 for Windows. And both webpages open correctly. Perhaps you have some function disabled, e.g. media player.