Magic Back - 3rd Annual Vincentian Family Gathering

John Freund, CM
May 4, 2007

Approximately 175 followers of Vincent and Louise gathered in San Francisco for the Third Annual Vincentian Family Gathering May 2-6. After the opening meal Dale Whitten presented a brief history of the Gathering and a short video featuring interviews of representatives at last year’s meeting in Princeton New Jersey. When we collaborate “its magic” said Mary Beth O’Brien of the Ladies of Charity USA in the video

The featured speakers include Fr. Manuel Ginete, CM special representative of Fr. Gragory Gay, CM and Patricia deNava, former President of AIC, the world-wide association of which the Ladies of Charity USA are members.

“Trailblazers” will speak of innovative approaches in the area of Advocacy, Formation and Youth.

For further information about the schedule visit the website.

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  1. Sr. Irene Brassard,DC

    Greetings! I attended the VFG in S.Francisco last week and would like to know if you will be publishing the keynote speaker”s conferences? The gathering was wonderful. I took many wonderful pictures if you would like them for this web-site. Thank you for the wonderful experience. Sr. Irene Brassard, DC Albany,NY province

  2. jbf

    There may be a number of levels to this question.

    The presentations were already online before you left the conference.

    Once I return to NY I hope to add some other forms and other materials such as interviews with various people during the gathering.

    Or is it that you mean publishing them in some form of booklet? At present I know of no plans to publish a hard cover booklet. There has been some discussion of a DVD but nothing has been decided.

    Or is it that you seek a convenient way to print what is already online? If so I can say that we are presently working on a more printer-friendly format. In the meantime you could always select, copy and paste into another document.

    Let me know which of these answers is the most helpful.