SVDP Weekly Reflection Sheets - Sr. Kieran Kneaves

March 8, 2005

Sr. Kieran Kneaves has posted her weekly reflections (April-June). They are designed for use at meetings of the St. Vincent de Paul SocietyApril

April 3 Second Sunday of Easter
April 10 Third Sunday of Easter
April 17 Fourth Sunday of Easter
April 24 Fifth Sunday of Easter
April 28 Saint Gianna Beretta Molla


May 1 Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 5(or 8) Ascension
May 8 Seventh Sunday of Easter
May 15 Pentecost
May 22 Most Holy Trinity
May 29 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ


June 3 The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
June 5 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 12 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 19 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 26 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Download in Spanish or English Second Quarter 2005 Reflections

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  1. Bob Sullivan

    Dear Sister: I am a member of SVDP at St. William the Abbot in Seaford, NY 11783. We have enjoyed your reflections for the past year. Thank you very much. Our problem is we can’t seem to locate them for the 4th quarter. The national website is confusing to me. Perhaps you could help us out.
    They have a been an excellent source of discussion this past year. Our problem has been that we sometimes don’t get to the families quick enough! Thanks again, Bob Sullivan

  2. Margie Rivers

    Dear Sister: I am the president of the Visitation Conference in Tacoma WA. 98409 I remember your visit to Tacoma a few years ago and how much we enjoyed having your company. We use your reflections every quarter and use them the beginning of every conference meeting.
    I am trying to print them for our meeting in October and am having a bit of a problem, but if they are available to print I will find them. Blessings to you, Margie Rivers

  3. Michael Kukla

    Dear Sister,
    I read with interest about the “Serve in Hope” program. I would like to get a copy of this to use “down under” in Australia. How could this happen. Many thanks.

    Yours in Christ

    Michael Kukla
    Diocesan President