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Texts by Ozanam

Useless Servants • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam

We are useless servants: such is the testimony that must give those who unite to serve God and men. [...] Not to show ourselves, but let us to be seen: such could be our formula and is, more or less, among the maxims of a great apostle of charity, Saint Francis de...

The Fundamentals of our Faith • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam

Our century has forgotten to such an extent the Christian language of our parents that it is difficult to speak without involuntarily flattering the passions of bad citizens, and without hurting the timidity of honest people. When we are moved by the advances of...

No One Succors the Poor Better than the Poor Themselves • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam

Citizens of every condition, You, to whom the rigor of the times has taken away you the superfluous, you, who lack what is necessary, can do more than others, because of the evils you know. All who have the experience of public charity know that no one succours the...

People are Generous • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam

Representatives of the people, Do not plead want of money. If the ordinary resources should come to fail you, if there should be nothing more to hope for from credit and reserve funds, hope everything still from the generosity of France. Openly announce the measures...