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A Vincentian Minute: Habits 04

Fr. Rooney’s summer series on Vincentian “habits” of spirituality talks about the habit of cultivating simplicity.

The Simplicity of a Dove

Some of the meaning behind St. Vincent’s saying “Jesus, the Lord, expects us to have the simplicity of a dove.”

#IamVincent: Simplicity and Racism

Watch this short video and then we'll talk about the interface of racism and simplicity in the Vincentian tradition. Can you see? Remember how Vincent talked about simplicity? "He added that simplicity was a virtue that...

A Daughter of Charity reflects on simplicity

SIMPLICITY AND LIFE’S JOURNEY Essay on_Simplicity by Sister Thérèse Haywood DC, Province of Australia Simplicity comes from the Latin roots sine (without) and caries (decay), or sine and cero (to smear or coat).  Therefore we gain the understanding of simplicity as...