Ross Dizon

Guilt and Hope that We All Share

Jesus is the Good News of salvation.  He calls us who have sinned—and no one of us is free of guilt—to return to God.  So, there is hope for us.  In the face of evils, like war crimes, many wonder, “Where is God.”  As though the guilt were his.  Why does he allow...

Prayers and Changes for Good

Christ is always before the Father in prayer.  And it is while he prays that the appearance of his face changes and his clothing turns dazzling white.  Prayers make for good changes. In a forum in which exchange of ideas took place, a comment spoke of prayers as...

Lure of Power, Wealth and Glory

Jesus wears the crown of glory since he rejected the devil’s lure and suffered death.  The Crucified is model of true grit; we fix our gaze on him. The Holy Spirit who came down on Jesus in the Jordan now leads him to the desert.  There, the one who embodies the truth...

Lies, Darkness and Polarizations

Jesus is the light of the world.  To follow him means not to walk in the dark, in lies, but to have the light of life, the truth. Jesus warns his hearers about blindness and the darkness that comes with it.  It is, of course, about spiritual blindness, about not...
Thanks to God through Jesus Christ

Dignity and Responsibility of Women

The new that God is doing springs forth now in Jesus.  Those with chauvinist mentality do not see this newness that acknowledges the dignity and responsibility of women (Benedict XVI). Joseph finds out that Mary is carrying in her womb a child that is not his.  But...

Thanks to God through Jesus Christ

Temptations that We Have to Overcome

The Son of God is also a son of Adam.  So, he goes through the temptations that we humans face.  And he shows us how to overcome them, so we may be true to ourselves and our mission. Jesus’ temptations are essentially the same as those of Adam and the Israelites...

Thanks to God through Jesus Christ

Goodness That Matters and Is Decisive

Jesus himself is the goodness that those who are truly good store up in their hearts and from which they draw good things. Jesus teaches us that what we keep inside us plays a decisive role.  If goodness is what we have inside us, then good words and good deeds...

Thanks to God through Jesus Christ

Embrace of Love for All of God’s Children

Jesus is the firstfruits of the resurrection.  Those who love as he does, and embrace lovingly even the wicked and the thankless, live in the newness of life. Luke took liberty with Is 61, 1-2, the passage that Jesus read at the synagogue in Nazareth.  The Gospel...

Thanks to God through Jesus Christ

Blissful and Woeful Far Beyond Belief

Jesus became poor to make us rich by his poverty.  He is the firstborn among many poor brothers and sisters who trust in God and, hence, are blissful. Jesus teaches that poor people are blessed, blissful.  And those, too, who are hungry, and those who are weeping. ...