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Social Media’s Impact on Relationships

In a relevant article for all of us "social media addicts," Shelley Galasso Bonanno, M.A. reflects at PsychCentral. Happy Valentine's Day! Human beings yearn for connection and belonging. Numerous studies have linked social support to positive mental health....

What Does It Mean To Be Truly Connected In This Day and Age?

We were made to be in relationship with one another. … Framing our connection in such a way draws us not only into the hearts of one another, but ultimately it leads us into the heart of God.

Searching for the Truth in Love

Facilitating personal relationships At Psychology Today, Pamela Rutledge writes Humans are social animals. The need to connect is a primal drive. Even our most basic needs, such as food and safety, have always been accomplished by humans as a group. We weren’t...

How do sisters handle relationships

How do sisters handle relationships? That’s the topic for this Holy Hangout. In a no holds barred conversation the sisters take on all kinds of relationships at all stages from discerning whether to become a sister to how to relate to men in a healthy manner consistent with a commitment to consecrated life.