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A Vincentian Minute: Praying with Vincent About Mortification

Fr. Rooney reveals the way Vincent prayed, through Vincent’s own words. This week: for mortification.

Mortification: A Condition for Following Jesus

Presentation on the virtue of mortification in mind and spirit, as taught by St. Vincent de Paul.

The Virtue of Mortification

In this presentation, learn why St. Vincent insisted on the necessity of mortification.

Advice from Saint Vincent

When St. Vincent and St. Louise co-founded a new type of religious community, the Daughters of Charity, in 1633: Louise was the prime organizer for the fledgling community, but Vincent, with his spirituality, his warm heart, and his great common sense, played an...
Mortification of the Mind and Will

Mortification of the Mind and Will

Lent is a time when many of us are seeking exercises to get our flabby souls into shape... like push-ups or jogging for the soul. For example, what did St. Vincent mean by "mortifying judgment and self-will"? How can we practice this? Get some recommendations in the...