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Lent 2023
Easter 2023: Through the Eyes of Mary, Finale With Father Aidan Rooney, CM
by Famvin Media Resources | April 9, 2023 | Formation | 0 Comments
In this video, Fr. Aidan Rooney, CM, ponders how the Blessed Mother has spoken directly to our Catholic community through her many apparitions, sharing her universal message and bringing us closer to her Son, Our Lord Jesus.
Lent 2023: Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, With Father Timothy V. Lyons, CM
by Famvin Media Resources | March 30, 2023 | Formation | 0 Comments
A video about the apparition of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and a reflection on how we can embrace the Blessed Mother’s example during Lent.
Lent 2023: The Mother of the Word, With Father Stephen Grozio, CM
by Famvin Media Resources | March 29, 2023 | Formation | 1 Comment
A video about the apparition of Mother of the Word and reflects on how we can embrace the Blessed Mother’s example during Lent.
Lent 2023: Our Lady of Zion, With Father Luis Romero, CM
by Famvin Media Resources | March 28, 2023 | Formation | 1 Comment
A video about the apparition of Our Lady of Zion and a reflection on how we can embrace the Blessed Mother’s example during Lent.
Lent 2023: Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, With Father Timothy V. Lyons, CM
by Famvin Media Resources | Mar 30, 2023 | Formation
A video about the apparition of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and a reflection on how we can embrace the Blessed Mother’s example during Lent.
Lent 2023: The Mother of the Word, With Father Stephen Grozio, CM
by Famvin Media Resources | Mar 29, 2023 | Formation
A video about the apparition of Mother of the Word and reflects on how we can embrace the Blessed Mother’s example during Lent.
Lent 2023: Our Lady of Zion, With Father Luis Romero, CM
by Famvin Media Resources | Mar 28, 2023 | Formation
A video about the apparition of Our Lady of Zion and a reflection on how we can embrace the Blessed Mother’s example during Lent.
Follow-Up to Lenten Letter of Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, C.M.
by Famvin Media Resources | Mar 24, 2023 | Formation
Let us look at all the parts of this mural in more detail.
Lent 2023: Our Lady of Siluva, With Father Patrick J. Griffin, CM
by Famvin Media Resources | Mar 23, 2023 | Formation
A video about the apparition of Our Lady of Siluva and a reflection on how we can embrace the Blessed Mother’s example during Lent.
Lent 2023: Our Lady of Lezajsk, With Father Gregory J. Semeniuk, CM
by Famvin Media Resources | Mar 22, 2023 | Formation
A video about the apparition of Our Lady of Lezajsk and a reflection on how we can embrace the Blessed Mother’s example during Lent.
Lent 2023: Our Lady of Gietrzwald, With Father John Freund, CM
by Famvin Media Resources | Mar 21, 2023 | Formation
A video about the apparition of Our Lady of Gietrzwald and a reflection on how we can embrace the Blessed Mother’s example during Lent.
Lent 2023: Our Lady, Help of Christians, With Sister Jean Rhoads, DC
by Famvin Media Resources | Mar 16, 2023 | Formation
A video about the apparition of Our Lady, Help of Christians and a reflection on how we can embrace the Blessed Mother’s example during Lent.
Lent 2023: Our Lady of Hope, With Father Andrew Labatorio
by Famvin Media Resources | Mar 15, 2023 | Formation
A video about the apparition of Our Lady of Hope and a reflection on how we can embrace the Blessed Mother’s example during Lent.
Lent 2023: Our Lady of Guadalupe, With Monsignor Joseph Gentili, STD
by Famvin Media Resources | Mar 14, 2023 | Formation
A video about the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe and a reflection on how we can embrace the Blessed Mother’s example during Lent.
Lent 2023: Our Lady of Happy Meetings, With Father David Friel
by Famvin Media Resources | Mar 9, 2023 | Formation
A video about the apparition of Our Lady of Laus (Our Lady of Happy Meetings) and a reflection on how we can embrace the Blessed Mother’s example during Lent.
Lent 2023: Our Lady, Virgin of the Poor, With Father Matthew H. Phelan, O. de M.
by Famvin Media Resources | Mar 8, 2023 | Formation
A video about the apparition of Our Lady of the Poor and a reflection on how we can embrace the Blessed Mother’s example during Lent.