What Must We As Vincentian Family Do?

With the disciples on the road to Emmaus, we are all struggling to make sense of the past few weeks since the murder of George Floyd.

Religious Life in the Future: What Might It Look Like

Part of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth and Colorado Vincentian Volunteer Alum, Sister Jen Gordon prepared a fantastic talk for the 2012 gathering of Women Religious called 'Living on the Edge.' Treat yourself to her insightful perspective...   Sister...

Vatican issues final report of LCWR

Vatican issues final report of LCWR

Final report on US Nuns affirmative and realistic

Final report on US Nuns affirmative and realistic – The full text of the report of the Apostolic visitation

New leadership for LCWR

New leadership for LCWR - The nation’s largest group of religious sisters welcomed a new leader and said goodbye to another Friday. The NCR writes the following....The Leadership Conference of Women Religious held its transfer of leadership Friday afternoon,...