John the Baptist

Father Maloney Presents: Four Perspectives on Advent

Take some time to stop and reflect this Advent, using these four SlideShares based on reflections by Fr. Robert Maloney, C.M. on Mary, Joseph, John the Baptist, and Isaiah. They are brief; the longest one is just 16 slides. They can be viewed on your phone or iPad, or...

John the Baptist, Vincent and consecration

Considering Consecrated Life: Patrick Griffin, CM reflects on St. John the Baptist, Vincent and Consecration

Late then, late now?

Second Sunday of Advent (B), December 7, 2014 – Is 40, 1-5. 9-11; 2 Pt 3, 8-14; Mk 1, 1-8 Hastening the coming of the day of God (2 Pt 3, 12) The Good News is, by definition, new. But it is also ancient; in the beginning it was with God. The Good News begins with the...

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