Father Maloney Presents: Four Perspectives on Advent

Famvin Media Resources
December 11, 2016

Father Maloney Presents: Four Perspectives on Advent

by | Dec 11, 2016 | Formation | 2 comments

Take some time to stop and reflect this Advent, using these four SlideShares based on reflections by Fr. Robert Maloney, C.M. on Mary, Joseph, John the Baptist, and Isaiah. They are brief; the longest one is just 16 slides. They can be viewed on your phone or iPad, or you can download the PowerPoint files to share with a group– for example at an SVDP conference meeting.

Are we humble enough to believe that He who is mighty can do great things?

Download PPT

Joseph knew the pain and embarrassment of poverty when there was no room in the inn and he had to place his infant child in a manger.

Download PPT

John the Baptist makes it very clear that we will live genuinely for Christ only if we are willing to die for Him.

Download PPT

By waiting and by calm, you shall be saved; in quiet and trust your strength lies. (Is. 30:15)

Download PPT

En Español: Cuatro reflexiones de adviento


  1. Roy Joseph

    Very good and useful in this season of Advent , thanks Fr. Maloney

    • Monica

      Thank you, Roy, actually I recommend Father’s book called Seasons in Spirituality: Reflections on Vincentian Spirituality in Today’s World. I don’t know if it’s still in print but I bought one (used) online.

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