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Places of St. Vincent

Fr. Bruce Krause, C.M. prepared these PowerPoint slides of special places in the life of St. Vincent de Paul.

Postcards from Folleville

A presentation on the history of Folleville, France, and especially its church, the place where a transformative moment in the life of St. Vincent took place on January 25, 1617.

Finding Folleville

On January 25 we commemorate a transformative moment in the life of St. Vincent. Inspired by this, may we each “find our own Folleville”.

Folleville Church Model Unveiled at DePaul University

On January 26, a tabletop model of the parish church in Folleville, France was unveiled at the John T. Richardson Library on DePaul’s Lincoln Park Campus. The church model, which was created using traditional craftsmanship and 3-D printing, was a way for DePaul to...
Places of St. Vincent

Places of St. Vincent

Fr. Bruce Krause, C.M. prepared these PowerPoint slides as a tour of special places in the life of St. Vincent de Paul. We thought it would be a great resource to share for the 400th Anniversary.