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Systemic change

Why Did Pope Francis Make 10 Startling Statements?

Pope Francis has a knack for making startling statements that catch people’s attention.

Let’s Talk Openly About the Challenge of St. John Paul II

“Search out more than ever, with boldness, humility, and skill, the causes of poverty and encourage short and long term solutions. adaptable and effective concrete solutions.” St. John Paul II

The Synod as an Emmaus Journey!

Seeing beyond each personal experience! Isn’t that what the Synod is about? We hear the Spirit and recognize the inadequacies of our individual understandings regarding the the needs of peoople in other parts of the world.

What My Mother Taught Me About Systemic Change

My mother did not realize she was teaching me about systemic change. But she did. She taught me how to appreciate the Incarnation is the greatest systemic change in our history.