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Systemic change
Updating Our Mental Maps of Ministry
by John Freund, CM | January 8, 2020 | Formation, Reflections, Systemic change | 0 Comments
Are we aware of the changing landscape of poverty and new needs? Do we need to update our mental maps?
What Are the Two Greatest Systemic Changes in Human History?
by John Freund, CM | January 1, 2020 | Formation, Reflections, Systemic change | 1 Comment
A quick quiz! What are the two greatest systemic changes in human history? (Here’s an important clue – They are interrelated!)
The Systemic Change That Began In Mary’s Womb
by John Freund, CM | December 18, 2019 | Formation, Reflections, Systemic change | 0 Comments
Have you ever thought of the birth of Jesus as the greatest systemic change?
What Can One Person Do To Help the Homeless?
by John Freund, CM | December 11, 2019 | Formation, Reflections, Systemic change | 0 Comments
Can one person impact the problems of homelessness? Yes… with 50,000 other individuals around the world who slept out as the homeless do!
Laudato Si – A Call To Change Our Way of Thinking
by John Freund, CM | Jun 24, 2020 | Formation, Reflections, Systemic change
Do you think it is possible to capture the essence of Laudato SI in one cartoon or just five words?
What Are Elements Of Structural Racism?
by John Freund, CM | Jun 17, 2020 | Formation, Justice and Peace, Reflections, Systemic change
What might be “Socially Acceptable” and “Not Socially Acceptable” elements of “structural” racism.
What Must We As Vincentian Family Do?
by John Freund, CM | Jun 13, 2020 | Formation, Reflections, Systemic change
With the disciples on the road to Emmaus, we are all struggling to make sense of the past few weeks since the murder of George Floyd.
The Intersection Between an Organizational Plan and a Personal Commitment
by John Freund, CM | Jul 5, 2017 | Formation, Reflections, Systemic change
What is it like to stand at the intersection between an organizational plan and a personal commitment?
by Jim Claffey | Jun 28, 2017 | Formation, Systemic change
“Those on top, like politicians and church leaders, talk a lot about peace, but not about justice, because speaking of peace sounds good to others on top and to the naïve on the bottom, but to speak of justice sounds bad to those on top because it opens the eyes of...
The Intersection of Urgent Need and Lasting Impact
by John Freund, CM | Jun 21, 2017 | News, Systemic change
“The intersection of urgent need and lasting impact.” What a simple way of expressing where members of the Vincentian Family try to live.
Bullfights and Systemic Change
by Jim Claffey | Jun 14, 2017 | Formation, Systemic change
It caught my eye immediately. A statue on his desk—a bullfight scene. But not what you would expect. This one was strikingly different—here the bull was sitting on the matador holding him down! Talk about the unexpected. A paradigm shift? No, a complete reversal! We...
Don’t Try To Make Systemic Change Happen!
by John Freund, CM | Jun 7, 2017 | Formation, Systemic change
Renowned systemic thinker Peter Senge and colleagues make a bold assertion. "Ineffective leaders try to make change happen." Most of the visitors to this site are familiar with how often Vincent pointed out that neither he nor Louise de Marillac thought the things...
Systemic Change Seminar: Lucena City, Philippines
by Jim Claffey | May 31, 2017 | News, Systemic change
Recently, Ana Maria Escano, our SC coordinator for the Philippines, gave a 2-day seminar at Sacred Heart College in Lucena City, a Daughters of Charity Institution located 4 miles from Manila. The 58 participants of this seminar were the staff of the different Social...
One Big Idea Could Change Everything
by John Freund, CM | May 24, 2017 | News, Systemic change
One big idea could change everything. The Innovation Mission initiative of the Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland in collaboration with Cleveland Leadership Center is looking for big ideas that could change systems. The initiative is rooted in the belief...
Be The Change You Want!
by John Freund, CM | May 17, 2017 | Formation, Systemic change
Real change starts with recognizing that we are part of the systems we seek to change. The fear and distrust we seek to remedy also exist within us—as do the anger, sorrow, doubt, and frustration. Our actions will not become more effective until we shift the nature of the awareness and thinking behind the actions.
Advocacy and Systemic Change
by Jim Claffey | May 10, 2017 | Formation, Systemic change
“Speaking truth to power….Making our voices heard---" Advocacy: the process of supporting a cause or proposal, pleading or arguing in favor of an idea or policy. Advocacy is active, not passive, and can take many forms. But for Vincentians it means taking the...