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Truth and Social Media

Social media are being abused. But, with a will, society can harness them and revive that early dream of enlightenment. Vincentians can help.

Tell Your Story

Here’s their story: St. Vincent School of Theology tries to follow the spirit and the example of Saint Vincent de Paul, theologizing from the margins.

September, Vincentian Month

The Congregation of the Mission has proposed an interesting initiative to make visible the Vincentian charism in all social networks, during this month of September, in which the Vincentian family celebrates important memories, with the celebration of several saints...

Is Social Media Hurting Your Life?

In 10 years, nobody is going to look back on the status you posted; but you will still reflect on that point in time. Is social media hurting you?

Kinetic Typography: use it!

Kinetic Typography: use it!

Here’s the best collection of kinetic typography possibilities I’ve seen in a while of this powerful, artful mode of communication. Here’s a nice example from the Vincentians (SSVP) of Australia. Tell Frédéric’s story, or anyone else’s!